6th Myanmar Fisheries Partnership Meeting was held on March 28th, 2019 in Naypyitaw with the total of 71 attendees from DOF representatives and MFP partners. Partners came together to assist the Myanmar government in strengthening effective collaboration for the sustainable development of Myanmar fisheries and aquaculture sector. FishAdapt team leader/chief technical adviser Jose Paragua presented about the project’s objectives and activities. Partners also consulted on the MFP thematic policy brief and National Aquaculture Development Plan with the groups inputs from the afternoon session. Members also discussed about how to support technical consultation and share information from their ongoing projects and further suggestions were made to coordinate more effectively in order to achieve synergy between MFP partners.
Following that meeting, FishAdapt organized the 1st partnership meeting at Naypyitaw, Thingaha Hotel. The meeting reaps the benefits of the partners organizations’ efforts as well as accelerates sharing the information and knowledge in order to add depths to the FishAdapt project impacts. By taking a number of steps together, the partners can bridge the gaps, define the bottlenecks and identify the potential solutions to bring about making a change in the sector.
“The initiative launched by the Department of Fisheries of organizing the Myanmar Fisheries Partnership platform, supported in this 6th edition by FAO, allows to all the acting fisheries and and aquaculture projects to work together in our common agenda, objectives and methodologies, being an important tool for creating synergies and avoiding waste of time, efforts and money. Being this said, it is extremely important for DOF as well for the relavant projects, to commit with the planned agenda and to facilitate the work of the different technical working groups established during the meeting, if we want to achieve specific results.”, Jose Parajua, Chief Technical Adviser(CTA of FishAdapt Project)