Thang Lien Mung is graduated from the University of Kalay with Mathematics in 2009. With over 10 years of professional working environments in UN, INGO, NGO and private sectors in many areas of climate change and climate risk management, early warning system and disaster risk reduction, livelihoods, infrastructure improvement, rural road rehabilitation, capacity development, infectious decease control and banking setting. He is highly adept in programme development oversight and evaluation, possess excellent communication, coordination and problem solving skills, and strongly collaboration with the government officials, implementing partners and stakeholders, committed to a culture that encourages professionalism and excellence through learning and development, and supports innovative approaches and solutions, and continuous search for new ways to support the goals of the organizations.
Now, he is working as Regional Trainer and Facilitator (Yangon Region) of the FishAdapt Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO).