He activated The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) at 80 townships in Myanmar and operated the Community awareness raising on Avian Influenza Program (Mekong Region 4 Countries Program) closely coordinated with WHO, UNICEF, FAO and especially collaborated together with Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department at 210 townships in Myanmar. Moreover, he energetically performed Rehabilitation program in Cyclone Nargis Delta area and, he took diverse positions such as National Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant, Senior Program Officer (Behavior Change Communication and Intervention) during CARE International. After that, he implemented at UNODC -Food security program for opium cultivation people in Southern Shan State, Myanmar as a National livestock Specialist atmosphere. When he worked for Food Security Working Group (FSWG), he made a role of Program Manager and implemented together with 182 organization of FSWG Networking members and commonly, most of the projects and program emphasized on Food security related policy and Land tenure policy for small-scale farmers in Myanmar. During Mercy Corps, he contributed as a Township Technical Advisor- Team Leader/Training specialist in National Community Driven Development Project (World Bank Program). The project engaged on basic infrastructure development and collaborated with Department of Rural Development and implemented over one thousands villages. Now he is working as a State/Region Project Coordinator for UNFAO- FishAdapt project in Myanmar.
Through a couple of decade, he participated numerous national also international workshops, symposiums, seminars and mainly, he learned and reflected on several projects/program included private sector as well as civic-based capabilities.